We are asking all patients coming for treatment at Acupuncture Blue to follow the COVID-19 safety protocols which are issued by our college. You make your way onto our lovely front porch to be greeted 5 minutes before your appointment.

Here you will:

  1. Find a hand sanitizing station where we ask you to please clean your hands.

  2. Then kindly put on your mask.

  3. Fill out any consent form if you are new to clinic, as well as the patient screening questionnaire - we supply you with this. Also we ask you to please bring your own pen.

  4. At this point your temperature will be taken with our touch less thermometer to screen you for any Covid-19 related symptoms.

  5. If you have a fever =37.8C or greater we CANNOT provide treatment and recommend you contact your family physician ASAP.

If you pass with colours, you will follow me directly to your treatment room. Upon entering the treatment room, you will be asked to use the alcohol-based hand sanitizer provided once more prior to treatment. At the end of your treatment session, you will be asked again to sanitize your hands again.

Please cancel your appointment if you are experiencing ANY cold or flu related symptoms or illness. Please note, that under these circumstances, our cancellation policy is currently NOT in effect. You must be free of symptoms for 14 days before rebooking a appointment. Lastly, if you have been outside of Canada in the past 14 days, you must NOT come to your appointment, until you have SELF-ISOLATED for 14 days.

Warm regards,
Jeff McMackin